Here you can find a list of current and past ifmo publications for download. In case of any information on the content of a study, please email the individual study contact person. For all press enquiries please contact Dr. Irene Feige.

Mobility Y – The Emerging Travel Patterns of Generation Y
Is the mobility – specifically the ‘automobility’ – of young adults in industrialised countries around the world changing? Since the turn of the millennium there has been an ever-increasing proliferation of rumours, anecdotes and scattered empirical evidence emanating from various industrialised countries that points in this direction. In an international research project, ifmo has turned the spotlight on the mobility of Generation Y in selected countries.
Project partners:
STRATA - Gesellschaft für Daten- und Informationsmanagement GmbH, Karlsruhe
KIT - Institut für Verkehrswesen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
DIW - Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
infas - Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH, Bonn
IFSTTAR - Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux, Paris
Virginia Tech, Alexandria USA
TØI Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo Norwegen
ITS Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Großbritannien
SUSTRAC Nagoya University, Japan
Imperial College London
Publisher: ifmo, Munich July 2013  
Contact: Dr. Irene Feige ifmo-Team

Study, PDF 885 KB (en)

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